Poolpartyapp.com is associated with Amazon Affiliate program. Everyone in the world knows about Amazon and it is #1 e-commerce in the world. Amazon is one of the most trusted brands in the world. When you click the link of Amazon product link our website will directly take you to the Amazon. If you give any kind of information in the Amazon poolpartyapp.com is not responsible for it.
If you some kind of products for Amazon related to our website but unfortunately something wrong happen, we are not responsible for it. It totally AMAZON SERVICES LLC responsibility to deal with it.
Amazon may use your Computer or mobile browser cookies when you are surfing on their website and poolparyapp.com is not responsible for it.
Always use your own point of view while choosing the product for Amazon.
Poolpartyapp.com is not associated with Google Adsense. If you see any kind of advertising on our website we are not responsible for it. As a third party vendor, Google is responsible for this advertisement.
As a third party vendor, Google.com has full access to your browser cookies. We have no power to stop it.